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Why It Is Completely Unselfish to Prioritize Yourself?

Have you ever wondered if it's possible to be both selfless and unselfish at the same time?

Dr. Paras
Dr. Paras
Jan 25, 2024
Why It Is Completely Unselfish to Prioritize Yourself?

Have you ever wondered if it's possible to be both selfless and unselfish at the same time? As the great philosopher Albert Schweitzer once said, 'The only ones among you who will be happy are those who have sought and found how to serve.' But what if I told you that prioritizing yourself can be a path to personal happiness and becoming a stronger, more compassionate, and more impactful version of yourself?

In a world that champions acts of kindness and altruism, it's easy to feel a tug of guilt when we dare to put our own needs first. We've all heard the well-intentioned refrain, 'Someone has it worse than you.' While this sentiment is undeniably true, it can also become the breeding ground for self-neglect.

As a seasoned life-leadership coach with over 18+ years of experience, I've worked with countless clients who grapple with the guilt that surfaces when they attempt to prioritize themselves. If you've ever found yourself in this conundrum, fear not.

In this article, we'll embark on a journey to discover not only the top five ways on how to prioritize yourself but also the profound reasons why you should consider making this unselfish act a part of your life.

1. You can’t pour from an empty cup

The age-old saying, "You can't pour from an empty cup," encapsulates the essence of prioritizing oneself. Imagine you are a teapot whose purpose is to fill the cups of those around you with warmth and love. If you neglect to keep your teapot filled, you will eventually run dry and be unable to serve anyone.

This analogy is the perfect example of why it is mandatory that we stay true to ourselves, serve ourselves, and take care of ourselves first to give the same back to others.

In prioritizing our well-being, we ensure we have the energy, emotional stability, and resilience to support those in our lives.

2. Self-care is a gift to others

We often don’t realize this, but in a quest to take care of ourselves and put ourselves in the forefront, we are technically gifting our loved ones and the people around us with the healthiest version of ourselves.

A content, self-assured person radiates positivity and becomes a source of inspiration for others. “Self-care is not self-indulgence. It is self-preservation, and that is an act of political warfare,” this quote by Audre Lorde explains this a lot more profoundly.

I had this client a few years back who worked as a social worker, helping the underserved communities with their rights and basic amenities. However, in a quest to help others, he was overwhelmed and burnt out. Availing coaching sessions helped him retrace his passion for what he did and work on himself to get back in the field with twice as much passion.

3. Setting boundaries and teaching respect

When talking about prioritizing one’s self, it also involves setting boundaries and teaching respect in people's personal and professional lives.

Boundaries are not barriers but guidelines that help us navigate relationships and interactions healthfully and respectfully. By setting boundaries, we teach others how to treat us and encourage mutual respect.

I have noticed issues with boundaries and respect during my executive coaching sessions. Often, I encounter clients who are some of the most dedicated employees, and in a quest to give it their 100% and more, they end up saying yes to overtime and extra tasks.

Now, indulging in such events occasionally might be okay, but never at the expense of one’s personal life. During our coaching sessions, we worked to understand the importance of boundaries and being assertive about work-life balance.

Implementing such significant changes is never easy, but the results are instantaneous when these changes are integrated. Setting clear boundaries fosters a sense of balance in life and even introduces more respect in people’s minds.

4. The ripple effect of self-compassion

Self-compassion, a vital aspect of prioritizing oneself, has a profound ripple effect on our relationships and the world around us.

Let me explain this in a better way.

We naturally extend that kindness to others when we treat ourselves with kindness. Self-compassion allows us to empathize more deeply, listen more attentively, and love more unconditionally.

Not just that, self-compassion also helps develop self-awareness, which allows us to connect with people more deeply and understand their issues instead of lashing out, being frustrated, or not prioritizing our mental peace.

5. Pushing yourself too much can harm you

Well, it's true. If you aren’t prioritizing your needs or aren’t able to prioritize your needs, it indicates that you are leading your life on a constant adrenaline rush. You are most likely governing your life on autopilot.

Being burnt out is not a compliment. It depicts a lack of boundaries in personal and professional life, taking on more than you can handle, and lacking a sense of organization and time management. Being burnt out is also a sign of chronic stress, which might seem trivial when you look at it from a bystander point of view, but not prioritizing these signs will eventually take a toll on your mental and physical health.

This is where the benefits of prioritizing yourself make its way. When you can make time for yourself, prioritize stress management techniques, and unwind after a long day of work, you are doing yourself a favor.

If your body is constantly subjected to chronic stress, it means that your body is producing an excess amount of cortisol hormone, which can lead to a variety of physiological complications, including risks of diabetes, hypertension, heart disease, etc.

So, not prioritizing yourself will eventually harm you beyond repair.

Final Words

Prioritizing yourself is not a selfish act; it is an act of self-love, self-preservation, and, ultimately, an act of love toward others. So, the next time you feel guilty for taking time for yourself or putting your needs first, remember that it is far from selfish. It is an investment in your well-being, a gift to those you love, and a powerful force for positive change in the world.

If you are stuck trying to figure out how to navigate this journey of self-compassion and self-care, coaching can help significantly. For more details, visit our website or contact us directly at +91 92606 65566 or email us at [email protected] / [email protected].

Dr. Paras


Dr. Paras

ICF-certified (Master Certified Coach) and ESIA -Coach Supervisor Dr. Paras, and Co-Founder of Dr Paras Wellness Pvt. Ltd. with brand Matrrix has been focused towards initiating change and transformation in people. As a certified Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) Master Practitioner and Mindfulness Coach, he brings a fresh approach towards learning the psychology of one’s thinking and behavior patterns. In his 18 years’ journey, he has trained, coached and mentored over 1.5 lakh individuals while certifying over 240 coaches. The leadership development programs of Matrrix have honed over hundreds of professionals while resolving workplace issues and ensuring higher ROI for firms.

Dr. Paras uses the power of coaching, counseling and positive psychology frameworks to resolve organizational issues, manage internal conflicts, and accelerate business growth. His programs for professional certifications in NLP, Mindfulness, Counseling, Coaching, and more have solidified his name as a transformation coach. Dr. Paras is also the founder of the Iinner Universe Education Foundation that runs Tava-Mitram (not-for-profit) to improve emotional wellness. He is also an avid blogger and social media enthusiast who loves keeping in touch with his international audience.

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