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NLP Program
Emotional Intelligence
Conflict Management
Stress Management
Transactional Analysis
Communication Skills
Team Building
Corporate Presence
Life Leadership Coaching
Executive Coaching
Signature Series
Leadership Mentoring
Success Mantra
Train the Trainer
Conflict Management
Communication Skills
Emotional Intelligence
Stress Management
Train the Trainer
TA for Corporates
Learning Space
MP App
Short Courses
Hypnotherapy - Level 1, 2, 3 & 4
Mindfulness Practitioner
NLP Practitioner
Mental Strength Professionals
Counseling Skills - Foundational
Counseling Skills - Advanced
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Learning Space
Resources on Life and Leadership by Dr. Paras
Ten ways to brand yourself as a coach
How to have deeper conversations
Need to Know your Emotional Wellness? Try this Mind, Body Wellbeing Assessment!
Dr. Paras
What is Chakra Healing & What does Chakra Healing do?
Dr. Paras
Standing up for yourself...
Dr. Paras
What is your identity?
Dr. Paras
Online Counselling for Depression, Anxiety and Stress
Dr. Paras
Anyone can cry...
Dr. Paras
Moving away from shame...
Dr. Paras
How much time do you spend in fear?
Dr. Paras
What is Reiki Energy Healing Techniques?
Dr. Paras
What is Reiki Energy Healing Techniques?
Dr. Paras
What is Personal Development & How to Improve your Personal Development Skills?
Dr. Paras
Learning to move ahead from shame
Dr. Paras
10 Yoga Asanas for Improving Mental Well-Being
Dr. Paras
How to Overcome Stress and Depression
Dr. Paras
The need to address guilt...
Dr. Paras
The need for self-love
Dr. Paras
No more a victim of office politics
Dr. Paras
How Mindful are You? Try the Mindfulness Living Assessment
Dr. Paras
Why self-love is the first step towards relationships
Dr. Paras
What happens when anxiety follows you around
Dr. Paras
The hidden story of depression
Dr. Paras
Conflict management without the stress
Dr. Paras
Recovering Rejection – Part-2
Dr. Paras
Am I Good Enough? Handling a NO in today’s world- Part I
Dr. Paras
Did you try the Carl Jung Personality Test? Start now!
Dr. Paras
Feeling Depressed? Here’s what you Need to Know!
Dr. Paras
Understanding the Emotional Intelligence Cognizance Assessment (Step 1)
Dr. Paras
Try the Personal Growth Personality Assessment, Now!
Dr. Paras
Personality Assessment: Test Your Leadership Style
Dr. Paras
Why you Need to Try this Social and Emotional Intelligence Assessment
Dr. Paras
Anxiety Disorder: Why Identifying Anxiety is the First Step towards Healing
Dr. Paras
Here’s Why You Need to Try the Conflict Resolution Style Assessment
Dr. Paras
Understanding the Personality Strength Assessment (PSA) and its Importance in Life
Dr. Paras
8 Ways to Bridge the Communication Gap between Parents and Children
Dr. Paras
Know your Chakra System, its Importance, and the Healing Process
Dr. Paras
Understanding 8 Powerful Emotions and Knowing how to Manage Them
Dr. Paras
6 Powerful Questions for Effective Coaching Methods
Dr. Paras
Stop Feeling Stuck in Life - Tame those Emotions
Dr. Paras
Happy Endings or Happy Beginnings: What would you choose?
Dr. Paras
Finding your Higher Purpose
Dr. Paras
Chaos-Control-Freedom! How have you Mapped your Client-Coaching Journey?
Dr. Paras
Chaos-Control-Freedom! How have you Mapped your Client-Coaching Journey?
Dr. Paras
The Modern Theory of Hierarchy of Needs by Dr. Paras
Dr. Paras
The Importance of Building Powerful Coaching Dialogues in your Coaching Sessions
Dr. Paras
Underwater Meditation: Combining Mindfulness, Yoga, and Calm Beneath the Sea
Dr. Paras
How to be Happy in Life with Simple Things
Dr. Paras
International Yoga Day: Internal Balance is the Key
Dr. Paras
Fear - A Fantasy or Reality? (Part 2)
Dr. Paras
Fear - A Fantasy or Reality? (Part 1)
Dr. Paras
How to Overcome Failure in 5 Ways
Dr. Paras
4 Stages of the Coaching Journey every Coach Must Know
Dr. Paras
Building a Coaching-Client Relationship with an Effective Contracting Model
Dr. Paras
Why Supervision Coaching is a Growing need for Mentors and Coach Practitioners
Dr. Paras
How to Get Rid of Fear and Build Courage in 5 Ways
Dr. Paras
Account Mindfulness to work on ‘Shame’
Dr. Paras
10 Mindfulness Techniques for Busy Men at Work
Dr. Paras
10 Ways to Achieve Spiritual Awakening through the Spiritive Way of Mindfulness
Dr. Paras
Am I Who I Want to Be?
Dr. Paras
Reduce your Critical Inner Voice: 3 Easy Ways to Silence this Critic
Dr. Paras
5 Ways to Love Yourself Using Mindfulness
Dr. Paras
How Mindfulness Techniques shape Better Strategic Leaders
Dr. Paras
10 Ways Mindfulness Practice can Change your Life
Dr. Paras
Discovering the Power of Your Subconscious Mind with the Use of Hypnosis
Dr. Paras
Busting 12 Myths about Hypnosis and Truth Bombs you Need to Know
Dr. Paras
Hypnosis for Success: Ways to Change your Limiting Beliefs
Dr. Paras
Ways to Put Yourself on the Path to Self-Awareness
Dr. Paras
The Importance of Psychometric Personality Tests for All
Dr. Paras
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