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Top 6 Neuro-linguistic Programming Techniques for Coaching

Dr. Paras outlines the top 6 NLP techniques for coaching all professionals need to know

Dr. Paras
Dr. Paras
Jan 11, 2021
Top 6 Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Techniques for Coaching

The use of NLP techniques has been quite evident in recent times. As an ICF and EMMC certified Coach, I’ve used the power of the best Neuro-Linguistic Programming techniques to create successful coaching sessions. 

It not only accelerated my client’s progress, but it also changed my own thinking patterns as well as my approach to my personal and professional life. But, if you’re new to NLP techniques, bookmark this blog as it outlines all the important things you need to know about NLP!

What is Neuro-linguistic Programming?

Let’s begin with the creators! The NLP creators - Dr. Richard Bandler and John Grinder developed a deeper study of the connection of one’s neurological processes, the language we use, and the patterns that were created. 

NLP is therefore named as it focuses on the language of the brain. It’s about neurology (Neuro) and the language used (Linguistic) that results in the patterns (Programs). Hence, the term Neuro-linguistic Programming was created by both in the 1970s. 

NLP explores this connection and practicing Neuro-Linguistic Programming techniques ensures learners can bring powerful changes in life and create wonderful experiences that bring desired transformation. 

NLP creators have outlined the need to create openness and receive this information by improving observation skills. By developing habits through NLP Programming, we use a form of Programming this language to be recalled every day with NLP techniques.

Co-creators Bandler and Grinder have therefore outlined many NLP techniques that can treat a variety of psychological problems as well as physical ailments. But, is that the only benefit of NLP? What about coaching? How does NLP benefit coaches? 

Let’s understand further. But, before we proceed, learners need to check the authentication of the NLP certification before embarking on an NLP program. The program needs to be certified by Richard Bandler.

The Connection Between NLP Techniques and Coaching

Coaching brings a person’s attention to the ‘here and now’. It supports a person to improve their connection with self while initiating a search to know one’s goals, values, strengths, areas of improvement, and more. Coaching supports an individual to expand their own vision and discover their potential.

How can NLP techniques support coaches? NLP techniques support coaches to create solution-focused coaching sessions through the numerous ways outlined by the creators.  

NLP techniques also help clients to reprogram their thoughts, reframe their perspective, build mental strength and resilience, while being a catalyst for change. A coach can always use existing coaching models, but coaching sessions powered by the use of Neuro-Linguistic Programming techniques improve one’s success ratio. 

This also supports coaches to form their own business path while being aware of their leadership styles, goals, communication patterns, thoughts, actions, and more. You can get a better understanding with the top 6 NLP techniques as outlined below.

Top 6 NLP Techniques useful for Coaches

Some of the best 6 NLP techniques are listed below. However, NLP includes many more effective techniques which can be explored by learning NLP online with Dr. Paras.

1. First NLP Technique - Perceptual Positions

Have you ever viewed a situation from different perspectives? Try to recollect a situation where you may have been in conflict. When a client approaches a coach, they have a goal to resolve any issues. 

Perceptual positions, also known as Different Perspectives is about looking at a situation from various angles. This means, you put on the role of different personalities and view a situation from a new lens. 

The goal behind this NLP technique is to enable the person or the coach to understand the complete problem. An individual who performs the Perceptual Positions of NLP can trigger the mirror neurons. 

This means they can understand a situation without any bias and know another person’s perspective. Coaches can use this technique particularly when a client has a disagreement with another person, and it impacts them on a personal/professional level. 

The technique is useful to view problems and develop a solution-oriented approach.

NLP techniques mention 5 Perceptual Positions as follows:

1st Position:

We use this position to view things from our own perspective.

Example: This is your experience viewed from an unbiased lens. It can be the feel of the sand beneath your feet or watching a movie scene. Your experiences are entirely yours. In this case, a coach partners with the client to understand their position with reference to the problem.

2nd Position:

An individual learns to detach from their own experience and view the situation from another person’s point of view.

For example, a client shares with the coach about their area of conflict or disagreement which they have with another person. The 2nd position perspective involves understanding the problem from the other person’s perspective so  the coach works to support the client to view it from the second position. 

The client can reframe their thoughts when asked to step into the shoes of the other person. The coach can gently question the client to view their state of mind for both positions. 

A client can be requested to reflect. “How do you think this person will respond to your current problem state?”

3rd Position:

An individual adopts a third person’s point of view.

They can place themselves away from the situation and look at it from a new perspective. The individual turns into an observer.

For example, a coach can work with the client to make them observe the conflict they have with another person and view it as a neutral  observer. The client gains awareness around what needs to be modified.

4th Position:

The fourth position is about a combination of all the three perspectives mentioned above. A coach partners wth the client to make them step outside of the frame of their problem and replay the problem through their own senses.

For example, a client learns that they can make a different choice to the same problem to create a new result. In other words, it’s about paying attention to the observational positioning and the other positions.

5th Position:

The fifth position is where the individual learns to relate with themselves from the role of a holistic observer.

For example, a coach supports the client to reframe their thoughts and the client discovers a new space of learning, gets deeper insights to the current problem, learns to focus on outcomes, and develops the ability to decipher the next step.

A person views it from a systemic lens and understands various ecological factors involved in the client’s universe.

Perceptual Positions support an individual to understand things objectively and know that there may be no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ and every person has different points of view. Any coach will find this a highly useful technique to bring their clients towards clarity.

2.  Second NLP Technique - Affirmations

The power of affirmations is one of the top 6 Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques. To affirm is to confirm your thoughts to yourself. Why is this important for coaches? Clients and even coaches may struggle with their own belief statements. Affirmations when said daily are important to communicate with the subconscious mind. 

A daily positive affirmation list also keeps an individual on track with their goals. It also changes negative self-talk that often hinders one’s progress. Affirmations in NLP are a fantastic way to realign an individual’s thinking to focus on what they can do.

Affirmations are -

  • Always said in the present tense.
  • They can be said verbally or can be written down anytime throughout the day
  • Makes an individual reframe their thoughts (From “I can’t” to “I can”)
  • Builds confidence
  • Shifts focus to important areas

Examples of Affirmations:

  • “I am open to receive the abundance of the Universe.”
  • “I trust myself to take the appropriate decisions.”
  • “I find beauty everywhere I go.”
  • “I am open to love and love always finds me.”

The choice of affirmations is dependent upon the areas to be improved. A client who says, “I don’t want to feel so alone,” can be made to repeat, “I am safe and loved by the Universe.”

However, affirmations also need an open-minded approach which is where the 3rd NLP technique will serve a greater purpose to all.

3. Third NLP Technique - Belief Change

We often hear stories as we grow up. These stories may revolve around self or the world. An individual may grow up listening to these stories and form beliefs about themselves. The problem occurs when these beliefs are negative and act as a roadblock to success. These beliefs are stored at a deeper subconscious level. 

NLP addresses these beliefs to make an individual aware of what affects their thinking, behavior, and actions.

Examples of beliefs:

  • “I am not good at science.” (Negative)
  • “I am not good enough to be hired.” (Negative)
  • “I am unstoppable.” (Optimistic)
  • “I am successful at everything I do.” (Optimistic)

A belief that damages one’s growth needs to be explored. A coach can make their client realize after powerful questioning, “If the belief does not add value, why do I hold on to it?”

A coach thus supports a client to explore their self-beliefs and develop different thinking. A client learns to examine their thought process while moving towards the use of affirmations and creating successful results.

4. Fourth NLP Technique - Six-step Reframing Process

One of the top 6 NLP techniques is the Six-step reframe technique. It is a powerful method to bring about a behavior change. A coach can use the Six-steps as outlined to support a client’s progress. 

The coach can work with the client on the undesirable behaviors of the client and get sound results. It’s an effective technique that ensures a client explores their own behavior while discovering many new facets to their personality. 

It is a linguistic tool wherein an individual is challenged to understand their own beliefs or interpretations of situations. This technique alters a person’s thinking to replace their current limiting beliefs with a new perspective.

 A client may be feeling depressed after a relationship issue or may have suffered a pay cut. 

The reframing process allows the client to learn a new experience from the situation.

For example: “I’m worried my new hire will not perform well.”

Reframe: “I am sure I can give my new hire guidance and time to watch their performance.”

The Six-Step Reframing is as below:

Step 1: Identify the behavior that needs to be changed.

The behavior can be putting a pause on unhealthy eating habits. The client may say, “I cannot stop eating fast food. I want to exercise and I don’t!”

Step 2: Establishing communication with the part that is responsible for the pattern of the behavior (Step 1)

The client needs to establish communication with the part that is causing the behavior. They need to check if the part within that is causing the undesirable behavior, and can communicate with them in the present. They also need to pay close attention to the way they feel, the sounds, images, and more.

Step 3: Distinguish between the behavior and the pattern, understand the positive intention of the behavior

A client needs to thank the part that communicated with them in the step above and seek to know what is the positive intention behind playing out the behavior. A coach and client need to understand the responses received.

Step 4: Create new behaviors with the creative part

Here, support the client to communicate with the creative part and work with the whole of the unconscious mind. Seek new behaviors to create new patterns of behavior if the part has communicated that the behavior is doing them harm. 

Bring a focus on using the unconscious mind to create new behaviors. Repeat them to make it a habit.

Step 5. Ask the part about the consent of using these new behaviors to lead to improved outcomes

If the client has not received a response that says “Yes” from the part, then the coach needs to return to step 4. They need to work with the client together to find those behaviors that are supported by the part.

Step 6: Do a check on all the parts

This means a client needs to be gently requested to communicate with all the parts. Both, the coach and the client need to check the responses as well. In the case of negative communication, the coach can ask the client to return to step 3. 

They need to explore the part, what it is communicating, and if there are any positive intentions as well.

5. Fifth NLP Technique - Rapport Building

A coach needs to establish a great connection with the client. This is important to build the trust and intimacy that is required to hold open communication. This NLP technique is useful to open up communication, create a safe space, and bring credibility to coaching sessions. 

This NLP technique focuses on creating similarities between the coach and the client. Techniques such as Mirroring create a similar effect in the way a person communicates through words and non-verbal gestures. 

For example, a coach may mirror the same posture. Or, a coach can also mirror the facial expression. A coach can begin to communicate about subjects that are of genuine interest to the client. 

Rapport is thus about creating a similar experience without overstepping the boundary. The objective is to lead the conversation and ask powerful questions while listening attentively, and create space for exploration. 

A useful Neuro-linguistic Programming technique, rapport building is an essential part of coaching!

6. Sixth NLP Technique - NLP Fast Phobia Cure

Many coaches may discover that some of the roadblocks in a client’s path are deep-rooted phobias and fears. A coach can arrive at this conclusion through the use of powerful questioning techniques. Phobias are the bad memories a client associates with a particular thing, situation, event, or being. 

Clients may often repeat this pattern. The NLP Fast Phobia cure requires the client to visualize imaginary scenes in a safe environment. A coach can use a combination of these techniques to replace phobias with comfortable emotions. A repetition of the techniques works to disassociate the client from their phobias.

I hope you’ve enjoyed reading the Top 6 NLP techniques that are sure to give you a glimpse into the power of NLP. You now have the insights to create successful coaching sessions using Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Techniques. 

If you’re looking to learn the best NLP techniques, sign up for the Matrrix NLP Practitioner Program

Our program includes 3 levels and is certified by Dr. Richard Bandler. As a coach, you know how important authentic certifications are! And, we offer the same to you! 

So, are you ready to begin your NLP journey? Sign up, now!

Dr. Paras


Dr. Paras

ICF-certified (Master Certified Coach) and ESIA -Coach Supervisor Dr. Paras, and Co-Founder of Dr Paras Wellness Pvt. Ltd. with brand Matrrix has been focused towards initiating change and transformation in people. As a certified Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) Master Practitioner and Mindfulness Coach, he brings a fresh approach towards learning the psychology of one’s thinking and behavior patterns. In his 18 years’ journey, he has trained, coached and mentored over 1.5 lakh individuals while certifying over 240 coaches. The leadership development programs of Matrrix have honed over hundreds of professionals while resolving workplace issues and ensuring higher ROI for firms.

Dr. Paras uses the power of coaching, counseling and positive psychology frameworks to resolve organizational issues, manage internal conflicts, and accelerate business growth. His programs for professional certifications in NLP, Mindfulness, Counseling, Coaching, and more have solidified his name as a transformation coach. Dr. Paras is also the founder of the Iinner Universe Education Foundation that runs Tava-Mitram (not-for-profit) to improve emotional wellness. He is also an avid blogger and social media enthusiast who loves keeping in touch with his international audience.

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