Mindfulness ® Practitioner Certification

An ICF Accredited Program

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Mindfulness <sup>®</sup> Practitioner Certification

This Mindfulness coach certification training is a step-by-step guide from level-1 to level-5 for those looking to make mindfulness a way of life and wanting to reap the rich benefits of inculcating a positive outlook.

Program Highlights:

  1. Get access to mindfulness certification resources, worksheets, tools, techniques, practitioner book, theories, models and other materials designed to help you begin your own career as a certified Mindfulness Coach.
  2. Study Face-to-Face with Dr. Paras or opt for mindfulness certification online  learning program. Select your preferred location to enjoy this program.
  3. Mindfulness Certification is ICF-Accredited program. Learners can apply for ACC/PCC/MCC or credential renewals.
  4. The program is aligned to the competency and framework approved by the Iinner Universe Education Foundation. 
    Click here to download the IIUEF Mindfulness Practitioner Competency framework.
  5. Anyone and everyone who achieves the certification successfully can practice and teach by strictly adhering and applying the same principles as outlined in the program.


Mindfulness Practitioner Courses Fees:

Certification LevelsCertification BodyCertification Cost (INR)Certification Cost (USD)ValidityDuration
Level 1 - Introduction To Mindfulness as PractitionerIIUEF / ICFRs. 70,800/- (Including GST)$ 900Lifetime3.5 Months
Level 2 - Mindfulness  Practitioner - EgotiveIIUEF / ICFRs. 70,800/-  (Including GST)$ 900Lifetime2-3 Months
Level 3 -  Mindfulness  Practitioner  - SpirirtiveIIUEF / ICFRs. 70,800/-  (Including GST)$ 900Lifetime3.5 Months
Level 4 -  Mindfulness  Practitioner - CognitiveIIUEF / ICFRs. 70,800/-  (Including GST)$ 900Lifetime3.5 Months
Level 5 - Mindfulness  Practitioner  - Emotive and ActiveIIUEF / ICFRs. 70,800/-  (Including GST)$ 900Lifetime3.5 Months

Level – 1 Introduction to Mindfulness as a Practitioner 

Mindfulness raises the awareness to the present moment while bringing a non-judgmental approach towards our thought process. In this Mindfulness Certification programs by Matrrix, Dr. Paras offers his extensive knowledge spent on the study and Mindfulness certification training spanning across 10 years. 

The program is the accumulation of Dr. Paras’ experience and learned concepts in mindfulness and meditation practice and western and eastern philosophies along with psychology. In today’s times, it’s pertinent to embrace the Mindful approach to manage emotions, raise your attention to goals, and bring a shift in energy levels.

The first theme is an introduction to Mindfulness. The theme is inclusive of 5 chapters that begin with assessments, concepts of Mindfulness and schools and philosophies, qualities, and competencies, and more. 

The Mindfulness certification training also includes an exclusive chapter about Buddha on Mindfulness that explores deeper concepts essential to explore the mind.

Program Curriculum:

  1. What Is Mindfulness? Debriefing Mindfulness Living Assessment Report
  2. Concepts and Schools of Thought of Mindfulness, Philosophers of Mindfulness
  3. Mindfulness Practitioner Competencies, Ethics and Boundaries of a Mindfulness Practitioner
  4. Branding as a Mindfulness Practitioner, Contracting as a Mindfulness Practitioner
  5. Buddha on Mindfulness (7 Branch Practice, Dependent Origination, 3 Errors in Perception, 4 Noble Truths, Buddha’s 8-fold Path, Emptiness Concept and its Application)

What’s in it for your learning? 

  • Learn the foundation of Mindfulness with the best Mindfulness Certification Programs to better implement them later in your profession. Get the basics strengthened around the concept.
  • Understand the connection between the mind-body axis with old and modern concepts.
  • You get to learn from an ICF-certified and globally renowned Mindfulness practitioner, Dr. Paras.
  • A hands-on learning experience with coaching practice and group activities.
  • Get your queries answered and get an overall run-through at group discussions

ICF Updated Competency Covered: CC 1 Demonstrate Ethical Practice, CC2 Embodies a Coaching Mindset, CC3 Establishes and Maintains Agreements

IIUEF Mindfulness Competency Covered: Self Awareness CC1 Self Reflection, CC2 Present Moment / Presence, Observing, CC3 Commitment / Movement / Progression / Direction / Action / Conclusion / Momentum

ICF ACSTH Credits – 30 hours

Applicable for ACC/PCC/MCC/CCEU hours

Price 33,000 + GST 18%

Learning style – Classroom online, Experiential learning, Coach led Discussion, Case Studies, Video Watching, Group Discussion.

LMS Access – Lifetime

Mindfulness Practitioner Web Application for 365 days free 


Level- 2 Mindfulness Practitioner - Egotive 

Understanding the Ego holds the primary essence to living one’s life aligned to the authentic self. The human mind is complex with layers one needs to unfold to reach this version of true self. Egotive is a combination of 5 self-exploratory chapters that begin with the Six Ego Traps, Ego State, and more. 

The Mindfulness certification training also includes theories of renowned psychologists with an understanding of emotions and the games people play. The chapters in the online Mindfulness coach certification program are created to support you on your Mindfulness journey that begins inwards.

Program Curriculum:

  1. 6 Ego Traps, Choices, Ego states
  2. Role Theory & Carl Jung’s Theory
  3. Understanding your Mind, Justification & Rationalization
  4. Emotional Games, Understanding False Interpretations and Drivers
  5. Importance and Need for Self-Care

What’s in it for your learning? 

  • Understand the in-depth layers of the human mind, how it works and why we struggle with Ego.
  • Step-by-step understanding of the Six Ego traps with a consequent breakdown of chapters.
  • Well-articulated coaching sessions with query answering for a better understanding of theories and emotions behind the development of Ego.
  • Interactive coaching practice for practical implementation while learning each chapter.
  • Group discussions for better exchange of ideas and understanding of other people’s perspectives.

ICF Updated Competency Covered: CC4 Cultivates Trust and Safety, CC5 Maintains Presence, CC 7 Evokes Awareness

IIUEF Mindfulness Competency Covered: Accountability CC4 Self. CC5 Relationships and Others, CC6 Environment and Situations, CC7 Generic Accountability

ICF ACSTH Credits – 30 hours

Applicable for ACC/PCC/MCC/CCEU hours

Price 33,000 + GST 18%

Learning style – Classroom online, Experiential learning, Coach led Discussion, Case Studies, Video Watching, Group Discussion.

LMS Access – Lifetime

Mindfulness Practitioner Web Application for 365 days free


Level- 3 Mindfulness Practitioner - Spiritive 

Mindfulness and spirituality are deeply connected. The theme of Spiritive takes you on a journey that opens up closed doors existing within the mind. This open space is created through the studies of spiritual practices brought together under the Spiritive theme. 

You learn the Spiritive aspect through 4 chapters that raise your connection with self. You begin with understanding Meditation and the Yoga practice, theories by popular psychologists while knowing the importance of purposeful dialogues.

Most importantly, you begin learning the process of embodying the qualities of a Mindfulness Practitioner.

Program Curriculum:

  1. Foundation of Ashtanga Yoga, Chakra Dhyana, Meditation and Vedanta - Dharma, Karma, Maya
  2. Logo therapy, DILT model
  3. Art of Apology, Purposeful Conversation and Happiness Vs Peace

What’s in it for your learning? 

The online Mindfulness certification enables the learner to:

  • Unleash the hidden themes and mantras behind the spiritual awakening and journey.
  • Learn with modern mindfulness tools and models for better future implementation.
  • Frequency coaching practice in real-time with case studies and video discussions.
  • Learn with ICF-certified Mindfulness Coach Dr. Paras.
  • Attend group discussions for query solving, brainstorming, and exchange of lucrative ideas.

ICF Updated Competency Covered: CC2 Embodies a Coaching Mindset, CC5 Maintains Presence, CC 6 Listens Actively

IIUEF Mindfulness Competency Covered: Emotional Sensitivity CC8 Genuineness, Empathy, Trust and Emotions (Emoting)

ICF CCE Credits – 25 hours

Applicable for ACC/PCC/MCC/CCEU hours

Price 33,000 + GST 18%

Learning style – Classroom online, Experiential learning, Coach led Discussion, Case Studies, Video Watching, Group Discussion.

LMS Access – Lifetime

Mindfulness Practitioner Web Application for 365 days free 


Are you looking to embrace mindfulness as a way of life? Do you wish to inspire many to bring awareness to their own self and improve their life? Get started with India’s first Mindfulness Practitioner course with Matrrix. Explore the concepts of Mindfulness with enriching meditation sessions only on the exclusive Mindfulness Practitioner App. Great to use by anyone, everyone!


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Level- 4 Mindfulness Practitioner – Cognitive

Our lives are made up of different experiences with every person holding different perceptions of the same. Cognitive or Cognition is about knowing how you understand the world and act in it through the roles you play. 

Cognitive is connected to your brain based skills. The theme – Cognitive, thus explores 4 chapters that begin with an exploration of Culture Parent and its impact on our beliefs, the science behind the brain, personality theories, REBT, affirmations, and more. 

You get a complete overview on developing your Cognitive side; an essential element of the Mindfulness Practice.

Program Curriculum:

  1. Culture Parent
  2. Understanding Parts of the Brain
  3. Personality Theories
  4. (Kolb’s Learning Cycle, Personal Centered Therapy – Carl Rogers, Operant Conditioning – BF Skinner)
  5. REBT, Polarity Management, Giving and Receiving Constructive Criticism, Power of Affirmation

What’s in it for your learning? 

With the Mindfulness coach certification program, learners are assured to:

  • Get an in-depth understanding of the anatomy and physiological functions of the brain with respect to mindfulness.
  • Understand and learn about varying personality theories to better gauge the client’s approach in the future and excel in your coaching practice.
  • Learn spiritual elements involved in mindfulness to help clients in the future.
  • Reflective group activities for networking, interaction, and understanding varying behavioral indicators involved in mindfulness and cognition.
  • Learn under the guidance of ICF-certified and global Mindfulness practitioner, Dr. Paras.

ICF Updated Competency Covered: CC2 Embodies a Coaching Mindset, CC5 Maintains Presence, CC 7 Evokes Awareness

IIUEF Mindfulness Competency Covered: Professionalism CC9 Ethics, Listening and Questioning (Communication)

ICF CCE Credits – 24 hours

Applicable for ACC/PCC/MCC/CCEU hours

Price 33,000 + GST 18%

Learning style – Classroom online, Experiential learning, Coach led Discussion, Case Studies, Video Watching, Group Discussion.

LMS Access – Lifetime

Mindfulness Practitioner Web Application for 365 days free


Level- 5 Mindfulness Practitioner - Emotive and Active

The human mind is often weaving its way through different emotions during the day. Emotions form the base of how we perceive and interpret things while often dictating actions. The theme titled Emotive is important to explore emotions while understanding the need to be aware of emotions and its impact on one’s life. 

The chapters begin with an overview of emotions, the triggers one holds, the Empty Chair techniques of Gestalt as well as the exclusive TEA model created by Dr. Paras. As a Mindfulness Practitioner, Dr. Paras also shares the OLLURRA technique to deepen your Mindfulness practice. 

Upon completion of Emotive, you will be ready to embark on your journey of Mindfulness.

Program Curriculum:

  1. Understanding Emotions, Emotional Needs and Emotional Triggers
  2. Empty Chair Technique – Gestalt, and TEA Model – Dr. Paras
  3. A New Journey Begins, Permission, OLURRA technique

What’s in it for your learning? 

  • Study and understand the science behind emotions and actions and its application as a mindfulness practitioner, enabling learners to understand the triggers behind a client’s emotional response in a session.
  • Get a live demonstration and explanation of the exclusive, TEA model that is coined and curated by Dr. Paras himself.
  • Indulge in live mindfulness practice with real-life situations and case studies to get an early hands-on learning experience.
  • Uncover most of the new theories, techniques, and tools involved in understanding and tackling emotional triggers.
  • Engage in cumulative group sessions at the end of the level for query resolving, exchange of ideas, and video demonstrations.

ICF Updated Competency Covered: CC4 Cultivates Trust and Safety, CC 8 Facilitates Client Growth

IIUEF Mindfulness Competency Covered: Enabling Spirit CC10 Bringing diverse elements to experience in order to connect to body, mind and spirit.

ICF ACSTH Credits – 30 hours

Applicable for ACC/PCC/MCC/CCEU hours

Price 33,000 + GST 18%

Learning style – Classroom online, Experiential learning, Coach led Discussion, Case Studies, Video Watching, Group Discussion.

LMS Access – Lifetime

Mindfulness Practitioner Web Application for 365 days free 


The ICF-accredited Mindfulness Certification Online Program by Matrrix includes numerous benefits. Some are listed below.

  1. This Mindfulness Life Coach Certification Practitioner Program is created to improve your awareness levels.
  2. Learn to establish a healthy relationship with self and others.
  3. Understand how to apply these skills in daily life with complete confidence.
  4. Develop awareness about yourself, your mind, how you function, and why your responses are built in a certain way.
  5. Empower yourself by keeping the key to your happiness within yourself.
  6. Learn to respond carefully instead of reacting quickly.
  7. Share your learnings as an expert Mindfulness Practitioner and add more value to your current role. Get higher ROI (Return on Investment) in everything you do.
  8. Change self-limiting beliefs, overcome undesired emotions, and work around unhelpful habits.
  9. Use the Mindfulness Certification Online materials and resources for added knowledge.
  10. Learn under the guidance of Dr. Paras, an internationally recognized life coach with over 16+ years of expertise and the founder of Matrrix, and IIUEF (not-for-profit).

Who can join the Mindfulness Coach Certification Practitioner Program?

Anyone from the age group of 18 to 70 can join the Matrrix Mindfulness Practitioner Program. This program is suitable for all therapists, professionals in the healthcare industry (physiotherapists, nurses), counsellors, consultants, coaches, psychologists, psychiatrists, students, and anyone who wants to widen one’s perspective about self while displaying a genuine desire to help others. 

This program is also suitable for professionals in leadership and management roles such as HR, Managers, Leaders, SMEs, and Mentors who need to develop the right approaches to influence and inspire team members, clients, etc.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1) Who is a Mindfulness Practitioner?
Individuals who successfully complete the program are certified Mindfulness Practitioners. Dr. Paras offers the best Mindfulness Coach Certification through his Mindfulness Program. The term is registered and owned by certified mindfulness coach Dr. Paras (Matrrix, India).

2) What is the Mindfulness Coach Certification Program about?
The Mindfulness Coach Certification program includes all the teachings and learnings by Mindfulness Practitioner Dr. Paras. He shares his deep knowledge through 5 Levels. You will get access to his study materials to begin your own practice.

3) Is Meditation and being a Yoga Practitioner the same as being a Mindfulness Practitioner?
No! While both practices run parallelly, Mindfulness brings attention to the present moment. Meditation is used with Mindfulness to manage thoughts better. Yoga asanas deepen the practice.

4) Can I benefit with the Mindfulness Coach Certification Program even in my existing career?
Yes! You can be a Mindfulness Practitioner alongside your existing profession. It is highly beneficial to gain clarity and lead in any role. 


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Frequently Asked Questions

Mindfulness and Meditation

The practice of mindfulness is about bringing awareness to the present moment to develop your thought process. Mindfulness is particularly useful if you are constantly worrying about the past or future. It’s about acceptance of your thoughts as well as the external surrounding environment. Regular practice gives you the power to develop a non-judgmental state of mind that makes you aware and helps you control your experience in situations. A mindful approach to your personal and professional life improves the overall functioning of the mind and body. Mindfulness includes the practice of meditation and other techniques useful to integrate this discipline as a daily habit. With this Mindfulness App, Dr. Paras aims to make mindfulness a way of life for all.

Meditation is the act of pausing in your present moment to focus your mind on your thoughts, feelings, actions, environment, and more. With regular practice that can begin from even 5 minutes, meditation is helpful to reduce stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, as well as boost concentration levels, goal-setting, and more. The practice of meditation using the technique of mindfulness brings us to a non-judgmental state wherein we can truly experience life without taking in too much stress.

The practice of mindfulness is about bringing awareness to the present moment with the aim of developing your thought process. Mindfulness is particularly useful if you are constantly worrying about the past or future. It’s about acceptance of your thoughts as well as the external surrounding environment. Regular practice gives you the power to develop a non-judgmental state of mind that makes you aware and helps you control your experience to situations. A mindful approach to your personal and professional life improves the overall functioning of the mind and body. Mindfulness includes the practice of meditation and other techniques useful to integrate this discipline as a daily habit. With this Mindfulness App, Dr. Paras aims to make mindfulness a way of life for all.

Meditation is the act of pausing in your present moment to focus your mind on your thoughts, feelings, actions, environment, and more. With regular practice that can begin from even 5 minutes, meditation is helpful to reduce stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, as well as boost concentration levels, goal-setting, and more. The practice of meditation using the technique of mindfulness brings us to a non-judgmental state wherein we can truly experience life without taking in too much stress.

Meditation has many benefits to calm your mind and bring focus on things that truly matter. You develop an improved clarity for thinking. This gives you the power to make the right choices for life. Over time, your mind and body will tend to feel relaxed even in the most stressful of situations. You learn to release the emotions you do not need and be aware of the present moment. Meditation is a fantastic way to cut the clutter and noisy chatter of the mind. You can meditate anywhere in your house daily as long as you declutter that area and listen to the audio files on the app. With this Mindfulness App, we would like to give you a beautiful experience of meditating in your favorite location while using the powers of creative visualization. We, at Dr Paras Wellness Pvt Ltd, wish to create many such wonderful moments, wherein you can open a whole new world in the palm of your hand, within our app. We look forward to joining you on many such mindfulness and meditation sessions that focus on areas such as career, relationships, success, peace, health, contentment, overcoming fears, and more. Dr. Paras personally lends his expertise to every session making it truly exclusive for every user.

Meditation is not something you need to focus on as a target and worry all the time. You need to be at ease and not worry about the destination. Instead, learn to enjoy the journey towards discovering a new facet of your personality through meditation. All you need to do is find a comfortable seating position and area and listen to the sessions in the app. You may also choose to lie down, use a chair, or be seated on the floor. You need to flow gradually into this state of blissful meditation. The aim is learning to let go of the need to control every situation. Use the sessions in the app to move towards your goal, one step at a time, and truly enjoy your journey.

Begin with the Mindfulness App meditation series. Your first month is a free 30-day trial with access to certain exclusive sessions. You can also choose your preferred topics or areas you wish to improve. You can always ‘Try before you buy’ and opt to subscribe to get full access to the app. Select from a range of series and themes. Browse through topics that pertain to your problem-areas. Create a playlist of your most favorite sessions and listen anytime you’d like with just one tap! Follow the instructions available on the screen and attempt to maintain a regular discipline. A regular routine assures you results in the areas you wish to improve. Ensure you find a cool and calm place and block out the light if you wish to enjoy the best of the meditation sessions by Dr. Paras.

Relax! That is completely normal. Meditation is not about stopping your thinking process. The aim is to bring a higher self-awareness level to the thoughts you allow to enter your mind. With regular meditation sessions, you can observe, reflect, and learn to respond better to work on your thoughts. The App includes a range of sessions that have varied purposes. You can calm your mind, overcome your fears, and open many doors where none existed before. These simple techniques are designed to make you connect with your inner self while mastering how to quieten the mind and bringing a sense of calm. Meditation is an experience that varies per person. So, learn to be calm and patient without worrying about the result.

If you feel uncomfortable, you need to attempt to find a position that best suits you. Meditation is not only about the lotus pose. You can meditate by sitting on a chair, in the bed or even while standing! So, please relax, trust your body, and you’ll soon find a posture best suited for your body.

If you feel uncomfortable, you need to attempt to find a position that best suits you. Meditation is not only about the lotus pose. You can meditate by sitting on a chair, in the bed or even while standing! So, please relax, trust your body, and you’ll soon find a posture best suited for your body.

The whole purpose of meditation is to pause from your current situation and bring attention to your thoughts, emotions and actions. You must not use these files while you are doing another activity such as being at work or watching television. Do not use these files while driving. Always ensure you set aside time that is best suitable for your schedule without the need to multitask this beautiful practice.

Absolutely not! As long as you follow all the instructions as detailed by the Mindfulness Practitioner, there are no side effects at all! We recommend you to practice daily, follow the instructions with great attention, and you’ll soon see a difference in your daily habits.

Meditation is beneficial for everyone. You do not have to follow a particular religion or leave your current one to meditate. Meditation has evolved from Eastern spiritual disciplines and does not propagate any religion.

Yes, of course. Meditation is meant for everyone.

You can meditate at a time that is most comfortable for you. You can meditate anywhere and anytime where you are not easily distracted. The App is not meant to be used while driving.

Relax and follow your natural breath. You can also refer to your Mindfulness Practitioners’ suggestions during the sessions.

Meditation is deeply relaxing. This is completely normal. You can alter your position of meditation to stop feeling too drowsy, (E.g.: Placing a towel underneath your seat. It ensures your posture is elevated and makes you sit upright.)

You must first focus on the goal of your meditation. Your improvements can only be measured with your daily awareness levels. You have to be slow and patient as this is a discipline. The habit needs to be inculcated with dedication and complete commitment.

Yes, of course! All users will enjoy a free 30-day extension once you cross 50 referrers. Similarly, enjoy a free 2-month subscription for over 100+ referrals. The more you share and show you care, we’ll be happy to offer free subscription benefits as you join us in our endeavor to inspire, empower, and transform lives!

That’s great! We knew you’d loved our sessions, so you can use the ‘Social Sharing’ buttons for members who are also users of the Mindfulness App. The sessions cannot be shared with users who are not subscribed to the Mindfulness App.

Yes! We offer a 30-day extension so you can enjoy all the benefits of the app without paying any extra charge. We think that’s cool!

The power of the subconscious mind is infinite. Use the sessions to discover your potential and achieve everything you were always afraid of.

Sorry! We do not have this option for now. We suggest you continue using the app to enjoy the unlimited benefits you will manifest in your life.

No. The Mindfulness App is an added asset you can use on a daily basis. This is not to be confused with medical treatment. It can be used as an alternate form to heal yourself.


The Mindfulness App is the creation of Life Coach Dr. Paras, known globally for his expertise in the areas of psychology and coaching. Matrrix, founded by Dr. Paras has launched this app to connect like-minded people and partner with them to achieve their life goals.

Dr. Paras has created this app as a useful tool that works with people to rebuild their lives.

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